Free from venture capitalists and shareholders, Gee Industries enjoys the ability to grow organically without the demand for quick results or need to find new ways to squeeze additional profits from our existing user’s year-after-year. Our goal is to create ventures with stable returns that will allow us to fund additional ventures.
Five percent (minus transaction fees and taxes) of every sale from across our endeavors go toward funding our giving program.
We support non-political/religious projects/organizations that focus on education, the environment, health, homelessness, domestic violence/rape, and the arts.
In order to avoid any risk of confusion, we ask that our venture names and logos or other trademarks not be used to endorse any product, entity or idea without our express written permission, unless otherwise allowed under current trademark law (e.g., the fair use doctrine). If you have any questions concerning the usage of Gee Industries trademarks, please contact us.
To view our website privacy policy, please click here.
"Museum" icon by Kiran Shastry, "classroom" icon by Adrien Coquet, "Monstrera Leaf" icon by Dairy Free Design, "tramp" icon by Gan Khoon, "rape" icon by Cedric Villain, "workforce" icon by priyanka, "GDPR" icon by Flatart, "don't sell data" icon by Margaret Hagan, "GDPR" icon by BomSymbols, "identity" icon by Maxim Basinski from the Noun Project
Gee Industries and its employees cannot accept or consider unsolicited materials or ideas. This policy exists to avoid any misunderstanding or disputes if your ideas are similar to those we have developed or are developing independently. Unless we have a prior agreement with you, please don't submit unsoclicitied materials, ideas, concepts, suggestions or other works in any form to us. Despite the policy, if you do submit anything, and regardless of what you state in your submission, you agree that there is no obligation for us to review the submission and that Gee Industries is free to use any such content for any purposes whatsoever, including, without limitation, developing and marketing products and services, without any liability or payment of any kind to you. We take no responsibility for any unsolicited materials or ideas transmitted to us.
If you have a question, or would like to discus a project, please get in touch!
2205 W 136th Ave Ste 106-402
Broomfield, CO 80023